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Event Collector API

The event collector API is employed for enabling various events and campaigns that pertain to a customer. Various event suscriptions such as notification services, loyalty services etc can be enabled by the retailer and the information related to these events are also stored here.



All requests and responses are JSON objects.


entity_id - string - Id of the entity.

entity_name - string - Name of the entity.

event_payload - Object

event_source - - enum - to chose between various avaliable event sources provided.

event_type - enum - to chose between various avaliable entity types provided.

id - string - unique id of the event.

Event Subscriptions

active - boolean - true for active event Subscription.

destination - The SQS or SNS event Subscribed.

sqs - AWS simple que service.

accessKey - sqs account accessKey.

accessSecret - sqs account accessSecret.

queueUrl - sqs queue Url of the event.

region - AWS region in which sqs event exists.

type - Event type .i.e SQS, SNS etc.


id - unique id of the event.

subscribeCreate - boolean - For creation.

subscribeChange - boolean - For changes in active Subscription.

subscribeDelete - boolean - To mark current Subscription as deleted.


deleted - boolean - To mark current job as deleted.

id - unique id of the event.

is_active - boolean - To mark current job template as active or not.

is_scheduled - boolean - To mark if the current job is scheduled for notifications.

job_parameters - object - contains various job parameters.

-utm_medium - customer defined utm medium. Comes under job parameters”

notification - enum - To select different type of avaliable notification types.

number_of_items_in_email - integer - Number of items in email, set -1 to send the entire wishlist.

schedule - string - as per cron expression”, any cron schedule with frequency.

scheduleExpression - string – string - as per cron expression”, any cron schedule with frequency expressed as a string. Optional.

template_id - string - Template ID from sendgrid

REST Endpoints

Events Resource

Create Event

For the creation of a new Event resource with unique id.

Method: POST

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/events

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request :

  "entity_id": "string",
  "entity_name": "string",
  "event_payload": {
    "base64_encoded_fault_json": "string",
    "base64_encoded_payload_json": "string",
    "entity_id": "string",
    "key_attributes": {
      "additionalProp1": "string",
      "additionalProp2": "string",
      "additionalProp3": "string"
    "operation": "BULK_CREATE"
  "event_source": "APPLICATION",
  "event_type": "ENTITY_EVENT",
  "id": "string"
Response - 201 (Created)
  "entity_id": "string",
  "entity_name": "string",
  "event_payload": {
    "base64_encoded_fault_json": "string",
    "base64_encoded_payload_json": "string",
    "entity_id": "string",
    "key_attributes": {
      "additionalProp1": "string",
      "additionalProp2": "string",
      "additionalProp3": "string"
    "operation": "BULK_CREATE"
  "event_source": "APPLICATION",
  "event_type": "ENTITY_EVENT",
  "id": "string"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Find Events

To find event by id. Id is passed as a path param.

Method: GET

Endpoint: ​/api/v1/events/{eventId}

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request Parameters: eventId : id

Response - 200 (OK)
  "entity_id": "string",
  "entity_name": "string",
  "event_payload": {
    "base64_encoded_fault_json": "string",
    "base64_encoded_payload_json": "string",
    "entity_id": "string",
    "key_attributes": {
      "additionalProp1": "string",
      "additionalProp2": "string",
      "additionalProp3": "string"
    "operation": "BULK_CREATE"
  "event_source": "APPLICATION",
  "event_type": "ENTITY_EVENT",
  "id": "string"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Event Subscription Resource

Create Event Subscriptions

For the creation of a new EventSubscriptions resource with unique id, and active status.

Method: POST

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/event-subscription

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request :

  "active": true,
  "destination": {
    "sqs": {
      "accessKey": "string",
      "accessSecret": "string",
      "queueUrl": "string",
      "region": "string"
    "type": "SNS"
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
  "id": "string",
  "subscribeChange": true,
  "subscribeCreate": true,
  "subscribeDelete": true
Response - 201 (Created)
  "active": true,
  "destination": {
    "sqs": {
      "accessKey": "string",
      "accessSecret": "string",
      "queueUrl": "string",
      "region": "string"
    "type": "SNS"
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
  "id": "string",
  "subscribeChange": true,
  "subscribeCreate": true,
  "subscribeDelete": true

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Update Event Subscriptions

For updating an existing EventSubscriptions resource with unique id.

Method: PUT

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/event-subscription

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request :

  "active": true,
  "destination": {
    "sqs": {
      "accessKey": "string",
      "accessSecret": "string",
      "queueUrl": "string",
      "region": "string"
    "type": "SNS"
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
  "id": "string",
  "subscribeChange": true,
  "subscribeCreate": true,
  "subscribeDelete": true
Response - 201 (Created)
  "active": true,
  "destination": {
    "sqs": {
      "accessKey": "string",
      "accessSecret": "string",
      "queueUrl": "string",
      "region": "string"
    "type": "SNS"
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
  "id": "string",
  "subscribeChange": true,
  "subscribeCreate": true,
  "subscribeDelete": true

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Get All Event Subscriptions

TO find all active event Subscription events.

Method: GET

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/event-subscription

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request Parameters : no parameters

Response - 200 (OK)
    "active": true,
    "destination": {
      "sqs": {
        "accessKey": "string",
        "accessSecret": "string",
        "queueUrl": "string",
        "region": "string"
      "type": "SNS"
    "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
    "id": "string",
    "subscribeChange": true,
    "subscribeCreate": true,
    "subscribeDelete": true

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Get Event Subscriptions

TO find an active event Subscription event with id.

Method: GET

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/event-subscription/{Id}

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request Parameters: id :event id

Response - 200 (OK)
  "active": true,
  "destination": {
    "sqs": {
      "accessKey": "string",
      "accessSecret": "string",
      "queueUrl": "string",
      "region": "string"
    "type": "SNS"
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER",
  "id": "string",
  "subscribeChange": true,
  "subscribeCreate": true,
  "subscribeDelete": true

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Deactivate Event Subscriptions

TO find an active event Subscription event with id.

Method: PUT

Endpoint: ​​​​/api​/v1​/event-subscription​/{Id}​/deactivate

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request Parameters: id :event id

Response - 200 (OK)
  "body": {},
  "statusCode": "ACCEPTED",
  "statusCodeValue": 0

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Jobs API

Create Notification Job

For the creation of a new Job notification. A Job resource with unique id,active status, notification type, cron schedule etc.

Method: POST

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/jobs

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request :

  "deleted": true,
  "id": "string",
  "is_active": true,
  "is_scheduled": true,
  "job_parameters": {
    "campaign_id": "string",
    "utm_medium": "string"
  "notification": "BACK_IN_STOCK",
  "number_of_items_in_email": 0,
  "schedule": "string",
  "scheduleExpression": "string",
  "template_id": "string"
Response - 201 (Created)
  "deleted": true,
  "id": "string",
  "is_active": true,
  "is_scheduled": true,
  "job_parameters": {
    "campaign_id": "string",
    "utm_medium": "string"
  "notification": "BACK_IN_STOCK",
  "number_of_items_in_email": 0,
  "schedule": "string",
  "scheduleExpression": "string",
  "template_id": "string"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Update Notification Job

For Updating an existing job by adding parameters or changing existing ones. Job id cannot be updated.

Method: PUT

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/jobs/

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request :

PATH parameter - "JobId" : id

  "deleted": true,
  "is_active": true,
  "is_scheduled": true,
  "job_parameters": {
    "campaign_id": "string",
    "utm_medium": "string"
  "notification": "BACK_IN_STOCK",
  "number_of_items_in_email": 0,
  "schedule": "string",
  "scheduleExpression": "string",
  "template_id": "string"
Response - 200 (Ok)
  "deleted": true,
  "id": "string",
  "is_active": true,
  "is_scheduled": true,
  "job_parameters": {
    "campaign_id": "string",
    "utm_medium": "string"
  "notification": "BACK_IN_STOCK",
  "number_of_items_in_email": 0,
  "schedule": "string",
  "scheduleExpression": "string",
  "template_id": "string"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

Delete Notification Job

For the deletion of a Job. Delete status will be marked as true.

Method: POST

Endpoint: ​​​/api/v1/jobs/

OAuth 2.0 Scopes: Tenant authentication - authentication

Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}

Request Parameters:

PATH parameter - "JobId" : id

Response - 204 (No Content)

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 Deleted
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Invalid input

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