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Customer API

The Customer API is used to create and manage information about a retailer’s customers, such as their contact details, and whether they’ve agreed to receive email marketing. The Customer resource doesn’t store any credit card information.

A customer must be created before a wishlist can be created for that customer (we currently don’t support anonymous wishlists, although this may be added in the future)

There are 4 customer identifiers supported:

The only mandatory field when creating a customer is email, although we recommend you also assign the retailers customer identifier (customerRef) and firstName, lastName.


Customer API

General Notes

Customer endpoints must be prefixed with services/customerservice for example create customer endpoint is /api/v2/customers, when you invoke the api it will be /services/customerservice/api/v2/customers

Production api endpoint


All requests or responses are JSON objects

Customer Request

Field Type Description
customerRef string Retailer assigned customer reference number. This is not a mandatory field. If provided it must be unique across your tenant.
alternateCustomerRef string Retailer assigned optional customer reference number. This is not a mandatory field. If provided it must be unique.
dob date Date of birth of customer in dd-mm-yyy format. for example: 28-11-1999
firstName string First name
lastName string Last name
email string Customers email address. Email is a mandatory field and must be unique within your tenant.
mobile string Mobile phone number
phone string Phone number
vipStatus Boolean Indicates if the customer is a VIP
loyaltyTier string Customer’s loyalty tier
spendToNextTier string Amount customer has to spend to reach next loyalty tier
joinedStoreId string Retailer’s store reference code for location customer was first created. This should equate to a locationRef in TWC
memberSince date Date the customer joined the retailer’s loyalty program
addresses array of Address An array of the Customer’s addresses. A customer can have more than one address, but we recommend only storing the primary address
optin_preferences OptinPreferences This object indicates marketing preferences for email and SMS
attributeGroups AttributeGroups This field may be used to add additional attributes to entities in TWC and in general is available on most entities in The Wishlist Company platform.
“attributeGroups”: {
 “extra_attribute_group1”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “customer_origin”: “social_media”,
  “category_affinity”: “electronics, cameras, gaming”,  
  “description”: “any additional attribute you want to add to entities”
 “retailer_defined_name_of_group”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “retailer_defined_attribute1”: “user defined attribute value”,
  “another_attribute”: “another value”
  “description”: “retailer defined properties and its values, flexible data model to add additional properties.”

Customer Response

Note: The following list shows the primary response fields. The actual response may include additional internal or depreciated fields

Field Type Description
id string TWC generated unique ID (internal identifier) of the customer entity. for example: 47235561-a5fe-43d1-a0ff-00b635208abe
customerRef string Retailer assigned customer identifier. This is not a mandatory field, but if provided it must be unique across your tenant.
alternateCustomerRef string Retailer assigned optional customer reference number. This is not a mandatory field. If provided it must be unique.
dob string Date of birth
firstName string First name
lastName string Last name
email string Customers email address. Email must be unique across your tenant
mobile string Mobile phone number
phone string Phone number
deleted string Indicates if the customer has been deleted
lifetimeOrderValue string Total value of orders for this customer since joining. Calculated by TWC
averageSpendPerAnnum string Customer’s average spend per year. Calculated by TWC
running12monthSpend string Customer’s spend in the last 12 months. Calculated by TWC
totalOrders string Number of orders customer has placed. Calculated by TWC
totalSpend string Customer’s total spend. Calculated by TWC
lastOrderDate date Date and time of the customer’s last order. Determined by TWC
lastOrderRef string Reference number of the customer’s last order. Determined by TWC
createdDate string Time and date that the customer was created in TWC
joinedStoreId string Reference number of the store where the customer joined. Equates to a locationRef in TWC
loyaltyTier string Customer’s loyalty tier. Note this is not managed by TWC
spendToNextTier string Amount customer has to spend to reach next loyalty tier. Note this is NOT calculated by TWC.
memberSince string Date customer joined any loyalty program. Note this is not managed by TWC
vipStatus Boolean Indicates customer is a VIP
lastModified date Time and date the customer record was last modified
addresses array of Address Customers addresses array. A customer can have more than one address.
optin_preferences OptinPreferences Indicates marketing preferences for email and SMS.
attributeGroups AttributeGroups This field may be used to add additional attributes to entities in TWC. This field is generally available on most entities in The Wishlist platform.
“attributeGroups”: {
 “extra_attribute_group1”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “customer_origin”: “social_media”,
  “category_affinity”: “electronics, cameras, gaming”,  
  “description”: “any additional attribute you want to add to entities”
 “retailer_defined_name_of_group”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “retailer_defined_attribute1”: “user defined attribute value”,
  “another_attribute”: “another value”
  “description”: “retailer defined properties and its values, flexible data model to add additional properties.”

Customer Address

Field Type Description
address1 string Address line 1
address2 string Address line 2
addressID string Internal TWC identifier
addressRef string Retailer’s Address identifier if one exists
city string City
company string Company
email string The email address associated with the address
firstName string The first name of the person associated with the address
lastName string The last name of the person associated with the address
name string The name of the person associated with the address
postcode string Postal code
phone string Address phone number
province string The state or province for the address
provinceCode string Abbreviation for the customer’s province or state
country string Country for example: Australia
countryCode string Country codes as per ISO 3166-1. e.g: AU for australia

Optin Preferences

Field Type Description
email Optin Preference Opt In preference for email
sms Optin Preference Opt-in preference for SMS

Optin Preference

Field Type Description
opt_in_active boolean Indicates if a customer has opted in
opt_in_updated_at date Date at which optin preferences were updated
opted_in_at date Date at which optin preferences were first set


Field Type Description
attributeGroup AttributeGroup This field holds the groups of attributes as a map of <String, AttributeGroup>.
“attributeGroups”: {
 “extra_attribute_group1”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “customer_origin”: “social_media”,
  “category_affinity”: “electronics, cameras, gaming”,  
  “description”: “any additional attribute you want to add to entities”
 “retailer_defined_name_of_group”: {
  “attributes”: {
  “retailer_defined_attribute1”: “user defined attribute value”,
  “another_attribute”: “another value”
  “description”: “retailer defined properties and its values, flexible data model to add additional properties.”


Field Type Description
attributes map This field holds map of attributes as a map of <string, string>
e.g.:  {
  “customer_origin”: “social_media”,
  “category_affinity”: “electronics, cameras, gaming”,  
description string This field is a short description about the attributes captured under field attributes. This is only used in the TWC backoffice tools.

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Create a customer

Creates a new customer in The Wishlist. Fields ‘email’ and ‘customerRef’ are unique fields. email is a mandatory field.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers
Method POST
Headers Content-Type: application/json
X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}
Sample Customer Request:
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "CUST11959",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "addresses": [
      "address1": "Wish Street 3",
      "address2": "Corner of Wish Street and List Crescent",
      "city": "Wishlist City",
      "country": "Australia",
      "countryCode": "AU",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Cust",
      "lastName": "Test",
      "phone": "0151 7445 6927",
      "postcode": "10000",
      "province": "New South Wales",
      "provinceCode": "NSW"
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "optin_preferences" : {
      "email": {
          "opt_in_active": true

Sample HTTP 201 response

  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "CUST11959",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "addresses": [
      "address1": "Wish Street 3",
      "address2": "Corner of Wish Street and List Crescent",
      "city": "Wishlist City",
      "country": "Australia",
      "countryCode": "AU",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Cust",
      "lastName": "Test",
      "phone": "0151 7445 6927",
      "postcode": "10000",
      "province": "New South Wales",
      "provinceCode": "NSW"
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 201 Created
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 

Create Multiple Customers

This API is used to create an array of customers.

Endpoint /api/v2/upload-customers
Method POST
Headers Content-Type: application/json
X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Request Headers :
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-TWC-Tenant {Tenant Name}
Request sample
    "email": "",
    "customerRef": "CUST11959",
    "firstName": "FirstName",
    "lastName": "LastName",
    "mobile": "623362386238",
    "phone": "623362386238",
    "dob": "25-10-1900",
    "addresses": [
        "address1": "Wish Street 3",
        "address2": "Corner of Wish Street and List Crescent",
        "city": "Wishlist City",
        "country": "Australia",
        "countryCode": "AU",
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "Cust",
        "lastName": "Test",
        "phone": "0151 7445 6927",
        "postcode": "10000",
        "province": "New South Wales",
        "provinceCode": "NSW"
    "attributeGroups": {
        "retailer_additional_info": {
            "attributes": {
                "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
                "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
            "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
    "optin_preferences" : {
        "email": {
            "opt_in_active": true

Response - 202 (Accepted)

HTTP Status Code:

- 202 OK
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 


Update customer by customer ID or customerRef

Update a customer using the TWC customer identifier, or using the retailer’s customerRef.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers
Method PUT
Headers Content-Type: application/json
X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable id This is the TWC generated unique identifier for the customer being updated.
url path variable customerRef This is the retailer’s identifier for the customer being updated.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
   "email": "",
   "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
   "mobile": "623362386238",
    "phone": "623362386250",
    "attributeGroups": {
        "retailer_additional_info": {
            "attributes": {
                "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
                "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
            "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes updated"

Sample HTTP 200 response

  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "addresses": [
      "address1": "Wish Street 3",
      "address2": "Corner of Wish Street and List Crescent",
      "city": "Wishlist City",
      "country": "Australia",
      "countryCode": "AU",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Cust",
      "lastName": "Test",
      "phone": "0151 7445 6927",
      "postcode": "10000",
      "province": "New South Wales",
      "provinceCode": "NSW"
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 201 Created
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 

Update customer by email

Update a customer using the customer’s email address

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/email={email:.*}
Method PUT
Headers Content-Type: application/json
X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable email This is the email of the customer being updated.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
   "email": "",
   "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
   "mobile": "623362386238",
    "phone": "623362386250",
    "attributeGroups": {
        "retailer_additional_info": {
            "attributes": {
                "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
                "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
            "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes updated"

Sample HTTP 200 response

  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "addresses": [
      "address1": "Wish Street 3",
      "address2": "Corner of Wish Street and List Crescent",
      "city": "Wishlist City",
      "country": "Australia",
      "countryCode": "AU",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Cust",
      "lastName": "Test",
      "phone": "0151 7445 6927",
      "postcode": "10000",
      "province": "New South Wales",
      "provinceCode": "NSW"
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 201 Created
- 400 Bad request 
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 


Delete Customer using customer ID or customerRef

Delete a customer using the internal TWC customer identifier, or the retailer’s identifier. Note that the customer’s wishlists are not deleted as they are required for reporting purposes, but they are deidentified.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable id This is the TWC generated unique ID of the customer being deleted.
url path variable customerRef This is the retailer’s identifier of the customer being deleted.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 204 (No Content)


Get Customer by Id

Returns a customer using The Wishlist platform system generated customer identifier.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/{id}
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable id This is the TWC generated unique ID of the customer.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Get Customer by CustomerRef

Returns a customer using the retailers’s own unique customer number.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/{customerRef}/ref
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable customerRef This is the retailer assigned number of the customer.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Get Customer by Email

Returns a customer using the retailers’s customer email.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/{email}/email
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable email This is the retailer customer email.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Get Customer using Alternate Customer Reference

Returns a customer using the retailers’s alternateCustomerRef.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/{alternateCustomerRef}/alternateCustomerRef
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable alternateCustomerRef This is the retailer alternate customer identifier (where used)
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

GET all customers by email/mobile/phone/firstName/lastName

Returns a list of customers with a matching email/mobile/phone/firstName/lastName. A record is returned only if all of the given criteria are matched. If no customers exist, this method returns a empty list.

Endpoint /api/v2/customers/search
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
query parameters email Email being searched.
query parameters firstName First name to search.
query parameters lastName Last name to search
query parameters mobile Mobile number to search.
query parameters phone Phone to search.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
    "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
    "email": "",
    "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
    "firstName": "FirstName",
    "lastName": "LastName",
    "mobile": "623362386238",
    "phone": "623362386238",
    "dob": "25-10-1900",
    "attributeGroups": {
        "retailer_additional_info": {
            "attributes": {
                "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
                "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
            "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
    "active": true,
    "accepts_marketing": false,
    "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
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    "taxExemptions": [],
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    "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
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    "email": "",
    "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
    "firstName": "FirstName",
    "lastName": "LastName",
    "mobile": "623362386238",
    "phone": "623362386238",
    "dob": "25-10-1900",
    "attributeGroups": {
        "retailer_additional_info": {
            "attributes": {
                "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
                "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
            "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
    "active": true,
    "accepts_marketing": false,
    "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
    "customer_state": "enabled",
    "taxExempt": false,
    "taxExemptions": [],
    "verified_email": false,
    "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
    "optin_preferences": {
      "sms": {
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      "email": {
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          "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found


Create a customer note

Create a note against a customer.

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/note
Method POST
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Update a customer note using note ID

Update an existing customer note

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/note
Method PUT
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Get all notes for a customer using customer ID or customerRef

Retrieve all notes for a given customer

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/notes
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable id TWC unique customer identifier.
url path variable customerRef Retailer’s unique customer identifier.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Get a specific customer note

Retrieve a specific customer note by note ID

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/note/{id}
Method GET
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
URL path parameter id TWC unique note identifier.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

Delete a specific customer note

Delete a specific customer note by note ID

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/note/{id}
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
URL path parameter id TWC unique note identifier.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

DELETE all notes for a specific customer, by customer ID or customerRef

Delete all notes a specific customer

Endpoint /api/v2/customer/notes
Headers X-TWC-Tenant <tenant-key>
Authorization <tenant-access-token>
url path variable id TWC unique customer identifier.
url path variable customerRef Retailer’s unique customer identifier.
How to get access token Tenant Authentication
Response - 200 (OK)
  "id": "7c14445d-c9fb-457d-90ec-114a04e57bc3",
  "email": "",
  "customerRef": "new-customer-ref",
  "firstName": "FirstName",
  "lastName": "LastName",
  "mobile": "623362386238",
  "phone": "623362386238",
  "dob": "25-10-1900",
  "attributeGroups": {
      "retailer_additional_info": {
          "attributes": {
              "crm_default_account_id": "1234",
              "triquestra_person_code": "TQ1234"
          "description": "CRM and Triquestra extra attributes"
  "active": true,
  "accepts_marketing": false,
  "marketing_preferences_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "customer_state": "enabled",
  "taxExempt": false,
  "taxExemptions": [],
  "verified_email": false,
  "createdDate": "2023-05-19T03:14:32.181Z",
  "lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-19T03:45:02.530Z",
  "optin_preferences": {
    "sms": {
        "opt_in_active": false
    "email": {
        "opt_in_active": false,
        "opted_in_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z",
        "opt_in_updated_at": "2023-05-19T03:48:22.075Z"

HTTP Status Code:

- 200 OK
- 401 Unauthorised
- 403 Forbidden 
- 404 Not Found

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