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## Product Variant

active - boolean - To enable a customer.

additionalImageLink - string - Image link.

attributeGroups - AttributeGroup - The group of attibute values stored under as a object in group of atributeGroups.

availability - string - Product Availablity and value should be one of the below values.

availabilityDescription - String- In detailed details of the product availability.

baseProductId - string - Base Product Id.

baseProductRef - string - Base Product Name.

brandId - string - Product brand Id.

brandName - string - Product brand Name.

calculatedPrice - number - Product calculated price.

color - string - Product Color.

condition - String - Product Condition and it can be either of the below values.

cost- number - Product’s Cost

defaultVariant - string - Default variant for the Product.

deleted - boolean

description - string

digitalProduct -

disabled -

expirationDate -

featured - boolean

gtin -

gtinType -

id - string -

imageLink - string -

inventoryLevel - integer -

inventoryTracking - string -

isbn - string -

link - string -

maxOrderQuantity -

minOrderQuantity -

mobileLink -

physicalSpecs - PhysicalSpecifications -

productRef - string -

status -

stock - Stock

title - string - Title

variance - The array for vaiants.

variantOptions - VariantOptions - Array of variant Options.